My little one already helps me with my pet sitting business. I’ve been bringing her along with me ever since she was born. I notice now whenever we go to Trader Joe’s our friend Ms. Patty lets her scan our groceries. I cannot think of another place where that would be acceptable, and it is another reason why I love both Ms. Patty and Trader Joe’s. Instead of being just a passive observer she is made an active participant, and you can see how proud she is to be assisting. I want my girl to know the value of money and that for most it takes hard work to earn it. I learned from an early age that work for some was a joy but work for others could be incredibly difficult. Not everyone is lucky enough to find their dream job but everyone requires money to live. Even people “off the grid” need money for medical care or they might want to have money to travel. I wish money did not seem to always equal success; for some it is just luck. My father always taught me to work hard and do my best. The secret to my father’s happiness is that he did not let his jobs define him. He was always happy because he found a reason to be. The American Christian evangelist Billy Graham said:
“The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.”
I hope I am showing my daughter every day to live with with character and faith … and to be happy.

Way to go! 😉
Thanks for reading Maria!