Hey Siri

Just when I thought I could not love our new lights any more (scroll down and read “Lit” if you’re interested and missed it,) I have just discovered that I can control the whole house with voice activation that I already have for FREE through my iPhone!  So I can say, “‘Hey Siri, Good morning'” and all the lights in the house (that I have programmed) will come on.  This is why I love Apple so much.  And I am sure it is only the beginning.  I will eventually be able to have my coffee maker start at the same time and who knows what else.  I think in the near future we are looking at everything being automatic based upon predictable behaviors.  I know right now I do not have to manually search for movies on TV; Siri does it.  I already ask Siri what the weather is like rather than checking my app.  I have Siri enter my appointments.  Siri Googles things for me.  Siri sets timers when I’m cooking.  I have had Siri map directions when driving.  Siri makes calls for me and I never even look up my contacts anymore.  Siri has found the closest gas station, calculated currency conversions, and texted for me.  Siri has updated my Facebook posts, reviewed my emails, and plays my music.  The late American CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs said:

“Technology is nothing.  What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.”

I pray that the good and smart people of the world use technology to find cures for disease, empower the disabled, and improve the lives of people and animals all over the world.  And now I will say good night as I am headed to bed and turning off all the lights.  “Hey Siri …”


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