When I was little I never could figure out why my folks were so proud to see my work up on the board at school. And then I saw this: front and center was my little one’s spelling and handwriting work that had been thumbtacked up just outside of her classroom on the display board. I was coming to get her and when she came out I shrieked, “YOUR WORK!” and pointed to it with wide eyes. She furrowed her little brow and said, “Yeah” nonchalantly before turning to get her things from her cubby. Still staring up at it by the time she came back, I said, “It’s on the board!” to which she replied “yes” as if I was not in my right mind. “I’m so proud of you kiddo!” “Thanks” she said as led us toward the doors. “When did you do that?” I asked, trailing behind her. “Today” she said over her shoulder. “Well that’s great!” I said while I opened the car door for her. “Thank you” she said again in that careful voice that indicated she thought I might be nuts. “Do we have any snacks?” she asked as I buckled her in. I know she has been proud of her work before because she has shown it to me. The little thing is so darn tight-lipped sometimes it is absolutely maddening. Maybe it’s that she was uncomfortable with her work being displayed. Maybe it’s that she didn’t think it was a big deal. Maybe she thought I was wacko for being so thrilled about it. The 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, said, “Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition.” I finally decided that, whatever her thoughts, at least she was on the board!