Growing up I did not receive an allowance. I was simply expected to do my chores. I also did not get paid for getting straight A’s; it was expected of me from my parents that I do my best. I do remember looking forward to the end of every report card though. Daddy always took me to get a chocolate dipped ice cream cone as a treat. When I got married and after we had the baby my husband and I agreed she would not be paid for doing what was expected of her. I have found though that incentives are a powerful motivator and I do not like always using food. Burk’s mother was recently in town and was teaching her to read and write different words. She told her that for every one she got correct she would giver her a quarter. Pretty soon her four quarters turned into a dollar and it was also a great way for her to get in some math as well. My little one wound up very proud of her haul, which wound up being three dollars. “You’re rich!” I told her as we left and she just smiled, clutching the bills in her little hand. Looking back I realize it would have been beneficial for me to have actually handled some money as a small child before I turned fourteen and started my first real job. The three bills reminded me of the Holy Trinity and I asked her what she wanted to do with her earnings. When she shrugged I suggested she could give one dollar to God in church, she could save one, and the last she could just spend and enjoy. She loved the idea and eagerly awaited putting the first money that she had ever earned into the collection plate. She was so proud! I almost caught it too late but I have this picture that captured the moment. Then I got chided by my five year old as she whispered scoldingly, “Mama you are not supposed to have your iPhone out in church!” Feeling duly chastised, I put it away. In 2 Corinthians 9:7 it says:
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
My little girl sent her offering to God with a truly cheerful heart. I am so very proud of her. I hope she will continue to put God first by tithing to help others in need and showing obedience to the Lord. I hope she will have the discipline to save for the future. And I hope she will be fortunate enough to have a little money to splurge with just for her pleasure. I pray this sets a precedent for her to responsibly send, save, and spend.

Hi! I LVE this one. Bless yu.
Maria thank you for reading and responding. I’m so glad you liked it! God bless you, too. 🙂
What a wonderful example!
No better time than now to start teaching them alll these wonderful things you are teaching. Maris!
I’m so proud of her too!!!