I do not like the stereotypical image of the woman who LIVES for shoes and handbags. Having said that, I must confess I do have two nice bags — one for “every day” and one more for evening. The only shoes I like are sandals because, in part, I have wide feet. I have also reached the stage in my life where I absolutely refuse to keep any part of my body cooped up unless it is for something truly exceptional. Texas is getting to be like Arizona or Florida in that it is simply too hot to wear jeans most of the time and sandals are acceptable in the evenings. I have about half a dozen good shoes and I do enjoy the feeling of wearing ones that are not so shot they flatten your feet. So, I went with my little one and introduced her to the shoe section at Nordstrom’s. Naturally more girly than I, and not having grown up the way I did with no money to really buy shoes, my little one squealed with delight. “Oh Mommy LOOK at these sparkly ones! They look like the have diamonds on them!” she exclaimed. Realizing for the first time I had a little partner in crime, I started asking her what else she liked. I went in looking for a good pair of walking sandals for summer that would hold up and looked nice. I was in luck because right now my favorite color blue is in season. “You should definitely get those Mama” she said, sounding more like fifteen than five. And then the unthinkable happened. My husband decided to show up at the mall. Looking at him as if he were some type of unicorn, my little one and I were thrilled to see him. He said he just wanted to tell us goodbye before he went to work. We hugged and kissed him and our little one said “Don’t go Daddy!” as she attached herself to him like a barnacle. I snapped this picture with her literally clamped around him while he attempted to drag himself out of the shoe department. The Japanese poet Ryunosuke Satoro said, “Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your expectations.” That is something I wish for myself, my precious little one, and for my husband. I hope everyone, no matter what their age, will aspire to outgrow their shoes.