The next morning I left my still sick sleeping husband and my little baby snuggled together as I decided to head out the few short steps down to the beach. I figured if I was within hollering distance they’d be OK. Feeling slightly guilty, I tried to let go and just relax. I took this picture of my delicious smoothie being delivered beachside and then decided to peek in on my babies. My little one was sucking her thumb asleep next to her daddy. He was still sleeping but looking the exact same greenish hue as the drink I was going back to enjoy. I crept back out, reclined under my umbrella, and just breathed. Now it felt like a vacation! I was free!!! I didn’t have to worry and I could simply enjoy! This is how I always thought a Mexican beach vacation was supposed to be! Solicitous and with (as previously mentioned in another travel blog of mine) the requisite cute beach “boy” factor. Ahhhh… No life guard duty; no sunscreen application on hostile persons … just ME actually RELAXING — for no reason!! It was heaven! I eventually switched my drink to a pineapple one with some type of liquor and I decided to go on a quest for seashells. I searched and searched and was able to find some although they were small. I noticed a giant Buddha statue with special shells around him and thought it would be horribly wrong if I took those offerings. The Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh said:
“Each of us is like the waves and also like the water. Sometimes we’re excited, noisy, and agitated like the waves. Sometimes we’re tranquil like still water. When water is calm, it reflects the blue sky, the clouds, and the trees. Sometimes, whether we’re at home, work, or school, we become tired, agitated, or unhappy and we need to transform into calm water. We already have calmness in us; we just need to know how to make it manifest.”
I was not sure I had any calmness already in me, but the lull of the ocean waves and the caress of the sun enabled me to actually let go and relax.