There are so many things that come to mind when I think of wings: birds, angels, “lightening bugs” and even the sky in general. My little red headed mother loved cardinals and they say when you see them it is a sign that your loved ones who have crossed over are still near. I have always associated my mother with cardinals anyway so when I hear their lovely call or catch a flash of red I immediately think of her. We have dragonflies in our pond and for some reason I have always associated them with my father. I took this picture of one who alighted upon Frasier Crane and then paused for a few moments, allowing me to admire him. Our lawn man, who is from a different culture, noticed it and I was shocked when he somewhat reluctantly said that many people believe dragonflies are a sign of departed loved ones who are coming to visit. Who is to say whether or not that is true? Some say our loved ones become angels who watch over us. Regardless, the Bible has referenced angels appearing from the beginning in the Book of Genesis to the end in the Book of Revelation. The French Enlightenment writer and philosopher Voltaire once said:
“It is not known precisely where angels dwell whether in the air, the void, or the planets. It has not been God’s pleasure that we should be informed of their abode.”
Any tangible reminder or remembered emotion of my parents is so precious it feels as if I have been kissed by angels’ wings. I certainly believe God is gracious and grants us signs. I often wonder how many I have missed. A couple of my mother’s scarves and pieces of her jewelry have simply turned up. I would like to think it is her way of showing she is still around; I know I certainly still need and wish for her to be; my father as well. I found an old penny the other day out of the blue. Daddy used to love old pennies and he kept rolls of them. We do not even have change anymore and yet pennies still will turn up in our house. I believe in pennies from heaven. And I believe in the kiss of angels’ wings.