My mother used to sell Avon when I was little, but I was convinced she bought more than she sold. In the days before childproof caps I once drank an entire bottle of Avon’s Skin So Soft. I remember a nurse in a dress with a pointy hat standing behind folding avocado green curtains. I also remember sitting on a cold metal table while charcoal I guess was put down my throat. All I recall after that was overhearing the nurse telling my mother that I was “a drinker” and that she should watch me after that. I was three at the time. For the record, I also remember drinking a bottle of something at the vet’s office but nothing untoward seemed to have happened to me then. It was the ’70’s. So recently when my little one was going through some of my mother’s things she asked if she could keep this heart shaped bar of soap. “Of course,” I told her. Mama passed two and a half years ago and I still cannot bring myself to finish going through all of her belongings. I try to do it in stages. Anyway, my little one was thrilled with the soap and proceeded to give it a place of honor in her bathroom. The Australian born, United Kingdom resident industrial designer Marc Newson said, “I have a lot of objects in my space, little things, reminders, memories.” Even though my baby did not get to know her namesake long, I am thankful to God she will always have her “reminders;” both mental and tangible memories.