I have not written about our first babies in a while and they tell me they have been sorely neglected. The wolfies have been well. Dakota (left) and his sister Cheyenne (right) have finally started to mellow out a bit. I have dared to put actual pillows back out and thankfully none have been destroyed. Instead they seem to be reserving all their kills for the toys in their bucket behind the sofa. Sometimes they even put them back. Sometimes they bring them to bed. And sometimes they shred them horrifically, leaving only a red, squeaky plastic heart behind. After eating solely buffalo their entire lives, they have recently had to change to an unGODly expensive prescription food. I suspect they got a bad batch of their former vittles but I’m too afraid to take the chance and switch them back. Our vet consulted with Texas A & M and the only thing everyone is concerned about is whether or not chicken will be a high enough source of protein. So animal lovers out there, any prayers for their continued good health would be much appreciated. They are almost eight and in the prime of their lives. Here is a typical picture of them playing on our dining room floor. They especially like the tiles because they’re cool, although we are certainly not keeping them out in this Texas heat. The American author Elizabeth Marshall Thomas said:
“You can look at your dog and see that it’s thinking and has strong feelings. And if it does, so do wolves. And if wolves do, so do elephants. People aren’t the only beings that think and feel.”
Just some food for thought the next time Meatless Monday rolls around. You might discover you actually like it. I can guarantee you the animals will.