From an early age, I was heavily involved in the theater. I loved to sing and I love to act. I have tried very hard not to project my unfinished goals and latent desires onto my little one. But when a friend invited us to a children’s play I jumped at the chance to see if she might be interested. Saying absolutely nothing, we took our seats. Even before the the end my little one was asking if she could be a part of the acting workshop next summer. No words can describe my elation as I tried to play it cool and say, “sure.” Our little one was so engrossed in the show she was actually yelling at the characters! Rather than this being a bad thing, I felt her heartfelt love of the performances given by the other children were embraced and even welcomed. I would not have even known this play was was going on if it weren’t for my friend. And the children were beyond gracious — encouraging her for the next year and being so generous with their time. Our little one proclaimed she wanted to do it next year! And the mothers, the children, and the directors had nothing but praise for her, given how immersed she found herself — shouting at the bad characters and cheering for the good. I was frankly overwhelmed by their generosity. The American professional road bicycle racer and three-time Olympic gold medalist Kristin Armstrong said:
“I write about the power of trying, because I want to be okay with failing. I write about generosity because I battle selfishness. I write about joy because I know sorrow. I write about faith because I almost lost mine, and I know what it is to be broken and in need of redemption. I write about gratitude because I am thankful – for all of it.”
These talented, sweet young girls took the time to show not only show kindness towards my worshipful daughter, but they encouraged her as well, without even knowing her talent. I have never experienced such kindness by a cast. All I can say is bravo!