The Canadian physician Sir William Osler once said, “No bubble is so iridescent or floats longer than that blown by the successful teacher.” I have always adored bubbles. I even had them at our wedding reception instead of birdseed (which I learned was actually detrimental rather than beneficial.) One of the things that first drew me to my husband, as silly as it might seem, was that his email address had the word “bubblegun” in it. Recently I got our little one (OK both of us) a bubble machine and we were out playing the other evening. I cherish this picture I snapped on impulse. It managed to capture a candid moment of time in her life where she was just out enjoying the night air and marveling at the magic of the bubbles’ colors, sizes, and ascent. Thinking back to Sir William’s quote, I started examining my own bubble and all who have helped shape it thus far. Without a doubt my bubble was strengthened and rose to new heights thanks to my parents. I had teachers who helped it take on different hues, and the arrival of my beloved child enlarged its size — literally and figuratively. To me bubbles are an ageless joy that hold magic for all with an open heart. As long as one maintains an open heart — whether it is toward learning about another culture, trying a different food, or discovering something new — life will always be full of bubbles.