Because I have fallen behind writing in “real time” about my blog, my readers have no way of knowing that this was our first day back from Paris. My little one had been a proverbial party girl, saying up late and keeping up with all the other tourists from around the world who had their kids on summer vacation. I elected for us to come home the first day after the summer solstice, so that she could gradually assimilate to the time change before she started kindergarten. School is extremely important, and I wanted to prepare her for that. However, I am not superhuman, and I certainly did not have the time to cook after we had landed, passed through customs, and finally made it home. Our little one was all set for a Tex-Mex dinner but, as you can see here, she just couldn’t make it. I don’t blame her. My husband and I were exhausted with the time change ourselves. Before our eyes she has become such a big girl and I then I looked over only to discover she was sound asleep in our booth. So I covered her with my napkin and asked that her food be made to go for the following day. Meanwhile, it felt as if my husband and I were on a private date. We got to speak with each other uninterrupted and had the security of knowing our little one was right by my side the entire time. The American musician Taylor Hanson said, “Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day.” Our “baby” is now five and a half years old. But she has changed our lives in the best possible way forever and — despite her embarrassment — she will always be my baby.

I feel the love in this one. <3
Thank you Kelly. And thank you for reading.