This was our third visit to Florida. We had a night flight and landed at an ungodly hour with our then three year old. But the unmitigated Hell was in trying to install the car seat into our rental car. I sweltered for an entire hour with sweat trickling down my body while my husband languished with the baby inside the air conditioning. Finally, a big, burly cop came zipping up riding a Segway and asked if I needed help. Now sporting an actual sweat mustache, I told him yes; there was about to be a murder — my husband’s — for not assisting. Since we were literally the only ones still at the airport at half past one in the morning my spouse was easily spotted, looking cool and relaxed and reading his iPhone. The police officer laughed hard and said, “Just wait until you get out of the airport to do it!” He was one of the good guys. I finally realized perhaps I could Google an installation manual online. Of course I knew how to put in our old car seat, but our little one had outgrown it and this was a new one complete with cup holders, which made her feel very grown up. At LAST the two of us working together got it and I didn’t feel quite so dumb when the officer pronounced it was the most complicated car seat he had ever seen. Sir Philip Sidney, a prominent figure in the Elizabethan Age, once said this: “It is the nature of the strong heart, that like the palm tree it strives ever upwards when it is most burdened.” I resolve to be more like the palm tree when faced with a trying situation, striving ever upward. Before leaving to make the one hour drive to our hotel, I captured this picture of my little one. I love the look on her face as she stared up in awe — palms up!