As you can see from this picture, we have a small pond in our side yard. A great wolf presides over it all while St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of the environment, looks on. It is so peaceful to come out and feed the koi (and I presume the toads as well) while listening to the gently soothing sounds of the waterfalls. With the advent of our privacy fence, however, it has become a true source of solitude. We can sit and relax in peace as we enjoy being outside unseen on our own little piece of land. There is something about it that is freeing, although I cannot adequately describe it. The first President of the United States, George Washington, said, “Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all.” I can say I honestly strive toward having good faith and justice towards all. But to cultivate peace and harmony, I believe it must begin from within. That is what our little pond does for me. Despite the stresses of the day; the problems and challenges; I know I have a place which I can always go … and it offers me solace.