This day would prove to be an interesting one. My child of the sea did NOT want to leave the beach! Finally, I saw the guys taking up all the umbrellas and the chairs early and asked why. They explained it was because it was sea turtle nesting season and they did not want to disturb them. My little darling pitched a fit, still clutching furiously to her alligator raft from the waves, when I said we had to go. “I DON’T WANT TO!” she wailed. Finally I hollered, “THE BEACH IS CLOSED!!!” and pointed to all the cabana boys who were taking everything up. “Why?!” my little one demanded as she drug Mr. Chompers to shore. When I explained to her it was because the mama turtles needed to come and lay their eggs and that we shared the ocean with them she willingly left. “I do not want to hurt the ‘tuttles’ Mama,” she proclaimed in her still baby voice. What’s funny is that all the other moms used me as the bad guy, pointing as I hollered to my little one that the beach was closed. Once we took the tram through the mangroves back to our hotel we discovered that all the power was out. And we had 17 floors to climb. Abruptly, our then three year old proclaimed she could not possibly walk. God bless this young man, who — in his full hotel uniform — offered to give our little one a piggy back ride. “Yea!” she squealed as I shook my head furiously. “It’s OK,” the young man said. I got this picture of them that I think captures my little one’s unbridled glee and this poor guy’s exhaustion. God bless him. The Danish Baroness Karen Christenze von Blixen-Finecke, who often wrote under the pen name Isak Dinesen, said, “The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.” I can truthfully say we had all three that day: salt from the sea, tears for having to leave it, and sweat from this darling man who was kind enough to schlepp a little girl up 17 flights of steps. By all accounts we had it covered: the cure for anything.

love this, and the turtles were the perfect reason to leave the beach!
Thanks for reading Jessica. I used the same reason this year, too!