There is nothing that can wake you up in the morning quite like 90 something pounds worth of wolfie standing/sitting upon one’s full badder. It kills me that people are terrified of him, and yet he is C0MPLETLEY harmless. In fact, he is just a giant baby! All he wants is some love and attention. While the current U.S. administration works to kill nursing mothers and their cubs in their own dens I know the truth. And I would urge you, whatever your political persuasion, to consider this: we all share one planet and the entire world’s wolves are in imminent peril. We need our apex predators. If you do not believe me, I implore you to see what the Yellowstone wolf pack did for the United States national park system. Trust me when I tell I tell you it affects us all. The ridiculous wall to stop illegal immigration only serves to hurt ALL of our endangered wildlife. Forget political parties and look at the facts regarding “protected” environmental zones. What is posited to be a human issue is really a wildlife one. Our animals do not understand boundaries and it is an inhumane, criminal injustice that they are shot the second they unknowingly set foot off “protected” lands. I am speaking to every county in the world and on every continent. The fables upon which we were all (mostly) all raised are a falsehood. Please use your voice! Sign petitions to protect wolves and any other wildlife in whatever country they are being slaughtered. In the past I have cited many profound quotes about wolves. The acclaimed Scottish writer and now resident of London, Martin Miller, has said, “If you turned into a wolf, there’s no reason why you’d become evil and start eating people, is there? You’d just be a wolf, run around, try to catch rabbits or something.” And there, my friends, you have the real truth. It is time for the entire world to wake up.

God bless you Fay!