As a woman, I love seeing our little girl have other strong women to look up to. Today we were back at the vet’s for a recheck on our wolfie Cheyenne. She had lost a lot of weight and we had been extremely worried about her. Fortunately, our excellent veterinarian got her back on track and also took the time to let my little one listen to our wolf hybrid’s heartbeat. I just snapped this picture and I think it speaks volumes. Look at the way in which our vet treats our five year old: she spoke to her like an adult (no cutesy voice and no dumbing down of vocabulary) and I watched our little one just puff up with pride. My girl talked about it all the way home and I was so touched that our vet’s time and kindness could do so much for our child. She did not have to take the time to do so and yet she did. I wonder if my little girl will look back on this on day as one of those times which shaped her … you never know. I know that I am proud to patronize such a wonderful veterinarian with a sharp, incredibly kind group of assistants; all of whom, by the way, happen to be female. My little one was surrounded by half a dozen women, all of whom treated my little one as an equal rather than a child who needed to be condescended to. Not only do our wolfies look forward to going to the vet’s (proof of how outstanding that office is) but now our little one does as well. I watch her stand a little taller, speak a little more, and shine a little brighter each time she is there. The Indian born American author Vivek Wadhwa, author of the book entitled Innovating Women: The Changing Face of Technology, said:
“What you want in a mentor is someone who truly cares for you and who will look after your interests and not just their own. When you do come across the right person to mentor you, start by showing them that the time they spend with you is worthwhile.”
I believe that our vet sees in our little one time spent that is worthwhile.

Maris may decide to become a vet just ftom this!
And that would be great!!!
We’ll see Fay! Thanks for reading!