There is something so enticing about the green-blue waters of the Caribbean. I love a vibrant, vivid green and deep, rich blue. When the two mix it is a beautiful display of light and dark — at once the revealed and the unknown. I had never been past the Gulf side of the United States before. The beautiful mix of the islanders’ skin was intriguing, as well as their names. Our favorite guy was Damarius. I had never heard that name before and I love it. He always had a great attitude every time we saw him. Then I noticed how the women of Atlantis all wore eyeshadow that matched their uniforms. So each time we went down to our breakfast buffet we were greated by these beautiful woman wearing green suits and dark green, glitter eyeshadow. In another part of the resort they wore a vivid blue in both dress as well as around their eyes. I found green and blue continued throughout, from the people to the water. The effect was both mesmerizing and mystical. Speaking of which, they had a bar over the shark area and I discovered this delight you see pictured here. I had no idea what it was even called — I just saw a man with one and said, “I’ll have what he’s having!” It tasted even better than it looked. Enjoying this drink in the shade as the sunlight glinted off the green-blue water was tranquil and transporting. The American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.” Looking all around me I was surrounded by countless amazing living creatures — both inside and out — as well as water pouring and contained both inside and out. Relaxing and inviting; wondrous and mysterious: these were the thoughts I took away from this reimagined resort of the mythical city of Atlantis. I would say it definitely magnified echoes of its spirit.