Not being a huge beer drinker, I have never quite understood the preoccupation with the precise way one is supposed to tilt the glass just so, or maybe it’s the bottle, when pouring beer. I know it’s got something to do with not wanting to have the foam. All my mind goes to is Julie Andrew’s heavenly voice in The Sound Of Music singing, “Men drinking beer with the foam afloat heard …” Doesn’t the foam just go back down? It’s not as if it dissipates into the air. *shrug* I have stopped offering to pour my husband’s beer because he … makes … me … go … SO … SLOW!!! Holy cow it’s not like it’s a fine wine that needs to be aerated or something. Anyhow, before I went to write this I decided to enjoy my French beer 1664. I quickly dumped it into my glass and this was the result. Perhaps this was too much foam because it spilled over. Suddenly I found myself sticking my fingers in the foam to get it to go down. (I suspect it’s sad I consider that a science trick.) Anyhow, I do NOT like to waste. I don’t care WHAT it is — paper towels, water, food, electricity, money, or anything else. Maybe because my folks were both born during the Great Depression Era (the early 1930’s) so it was always ingrained upon me never to waste no matter what. I think it is actually a practice everyone should follow. We all share finite resources and the earth is precious. For that matter so is time. I have written before my father used to say that time was the one thing he could not replace. From a glass of beer my thoughts have made their way to how we live our lives. Do we go so cautiously we never fully experience it? Or do we move through it so recklessly we waste it? Perhaps shouldn’t it be somewhere in-between? The American radio speaker Earl Nightingale once said:
“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.”
I suppose one way or another our lives get foamy. It’s all in how we handle it that counts.