This gluten-free pasta tastes JUST like spaghetti! One cannot even tell the difference, particularly once you add garlic and olive oil as I did here. The family went wild! It is made from a combination of quinoa and corn. Our little girl being gluten intolerant has been a blessing in disguise for our whole family. We are eating healthier and not missing out on anything but calories really. Thankfully there are many gluten-free options now in grocery stores as well as restaurants. We are very fortunate in that we still can enjoy pizza, pasta, rolls, muffins, cake, and more now that so many things are being made gluten-free. Best of all, they do not taste like cardboard. Now she can have a “normal” looking sandwich at school and not be made to feel different. I have also discovered that people who are truly considerate make sure that children with allergies do not feel left out at birthdays. My little one went to a birthday party several months ago where they had literally two giant towers of pizza — 25 cheese and 25 pepperoni — and not one of them was gluten free. I was next to her as she stood staring up at all those pizza boxes with tears streaming silently down her little face. Of course there were no gluten-free cupcakes either. The irony is that pizza chain made gluten-free pizza! How hard would it have been to order just one gluten-free? Since then I have learned to bring her own snacks in case nothing is offered. But it is so much nicer when she feels the same as all the other kids. The South Sudanese-British model and designer Alek Wek said, “True beauty is born though our actions and aspirations and in the kindness we offer to others.” I am thankful for the moms who have been considerate enough to show my daughter kindness. I hope I am leading by example; I always want her to see that kindness begins from within.