I am still behind on my posts, but today I saw something that made me smile. As I was standing there smiling broadly, fortunately the car’s owner came up. I then proceeded to ask if it was OK to take a picture and she graciously consented. The first thing that comes to my mind still when I think of false eyelashes is the iconic television star Lucille Ball and her show I Love Lucy. Lucille Ball is a woman whom I have always admired. She was beautiful, but she was not afraid to laugh at herself. She joked about coloring her hair and wearing false eyelashes and made hilarious faces. Her show to me remains nearly timeless even after over 65 years. So here I was looking at this car, grinning, and I asked the woman why she decided to put eyelashes on it. “So my son would not want to drive it,” she quipped dryly and I found myself laughing out loud. “And does he still?” I asked. “Yes,” she replied. “I even tried to put something on the back to embarrass him,” she said as she pointed out pink high heels and pearls encasing her license plate. I remember not driving a car until my twenties and not caring WHAT Daddy had; at least I could drive! So it was no surprise to me her measures were not really deterrents. I thought the whole thing was hilarious! Lucille Ball herself once said, “I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.” This woman driving around town with the giant, silly eyelashes on her car seemed to me to have that kind of pluck. I want to take more chances with my life and loosen up. When I was younger I cared so very much about what others thought. I find it very freeing now that I don’t nearly as much. So here’s to Lucy who, for me, started it all, and to fun women who have cars with eyelashes. And here’s to having tried more things with no regrets.