Some time ago I decided to switch to mostly using my husband’s things. I realized I had already been commandeering his undershirts for years, and then I took to using his shaving cream. It costs WAY less than womens’ and it works much better. Recently Burk came home with a new two pack of shaving cream and when I pressed the top I was thrilled to see it was this deep dark blue — my favorite color. Our little one came in (because I never have any privacy,) saw the color, and exclaimed “COOL!” “It really is,” I said, grinning. So I wrote it out on my leg, to her delight. “Mama, you should blog about it” she said. And so here we are. When the mundane turns unexpected it is a little burst of joy. It’s just shaving cream, but it went from having a manly kind of scent and ick looking color to smelling crisp and coming out in this glorious shade of blue. The English poet and theologian Samuel Taylor Coleridge once said:
“The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions — the little soon forgotten charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment, and the countless infinitesimal of pleasurable and genial feeling.”
So yes, dark blue shaving cream made me very excited and happy today. I will always try to seize joy and happiness wherever I may find it; time is too precious not to. I hope to possibly share some of that joy and happiness with others when I am able. Sometimes it’s the little things.