The pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, “There is nothing permanent except change.” I have always tended to be a feast or famine type of person. If I’m in I’m all in. For almost two years I have tried to post daily. When I started, my little one was four. She is now six. I feel I need to be spending more quality time with my family, more time purging things we no longer need in our house, and cooking more meals. Between those things, my business, and blogging every day I have neglected myself by not exercising. I strive to be better and, I hope that will come through in my writing as well. Beginning today I will be posting once weekly on Sundays. I hope everyone will enjoy reading a little less of me for a change. 😉

I know several friends and family who are making the choice to spend less time online and more time on the things that really matter. Will enjoy your posts on
Thanks so much Elizabeth; I appreciate both the support and the encouragement.