Yesterday I got to visit my little one and her kindergarten class for her birthday. First I read them all a book called, “There Was a Coyote Who Swallowed a Flea” which elicited lots of giggles. Then I sat down to eat lunch with my daughter and her friends. Our round table was filled with little girls and I reflected upon how calming it was to be listening to relaxing music while watching autumnal nature screens flicker across the high-tech whiteboard. Outside there was an expansive view of the playground and everywhere I looked it was cheery. I was asked to tie shoes and open wrappers and it filled my heart with joy. Afterward we got to go outside and enjoy popsicles in the afternoon sun. Oh, to be so carefree again, where your most pressing dilemma of the day is which flavored popsicle to choose — cherry, tangerine, or grape. I sat in the shade as I watched them play and I found myself grateful once again for the extraordinary opportunity my little one has being in this school. My mind wandered to other countries where educating girls is not even allowed and I counted our blessings twice. At this age kids still want to hug and I gladly accepted any that came my way. I think they were all from my little one’s girlfriends. There is something incomparable about the small arms of a child wrapped around you. Things are so different then when I was in kindergarten, and I am glad. Kindness toward all is emphasized as importantly as any other subject. I have always loved to learn, and still do. The American comedienne Carol Burnett said, “We don’t stop going to school when we graduate.” I realized that now I get the chance to sort of relive a happier version of my academic days through my child by going back to school.