One of the many things I love about the Episcopal Church is that every Sunday we pray for our leaders and for those who have birthdays in the upcoming week. It is not a magical incantation; rather it asks the Lord to watch over His children, and to guide them and bless them wherever they may be. I think it is quite lovely. The birthday blessing at church is something I enjoy, not only for myself. It is fun to discover who is about to have a birthday (without the aid of Facebook) and to personally wish them a happy one after the service. My birthday blessing is one week and our little girl’s is the next. I really look forward to hers and marvel how she develops with each passing year. It is my prayer that she will grow deeper in her convictions. My parents were instrumental in the development of my faith, and it was my father’s grandmother who was pivotal in the strong foundation of his. Through the generations I pray my family continues the tradition and heritage of worship, witnessing, and wanting to follow the will of Christ. The Dutch Catholic priest and professor Henri Nouwen said, “To give someone a blessing is the most significant affirmation we can offer. And so, friends and readers, I offer mine to you, whenever they may be: birthday blessings.