I believe I have written before about my (sort of) cooking schedule. While it sometimes varies, I try to do Slow Cooker Sundays (wonderful to come home from church and smell something delicious cooking in the crock pot), Meatless Mondays (I always tell my husband it won’t kill him; it also won’t kill an animal,) Taco Tuesdays (always a hit,) Whatever Works Wednesdays (translation: leftovers,) Thawed Out Thursdays (meaning whatever can be zapped, ranging from organic frozen vegetables to ready to eat meals,) Far Out Fridays (we go out for dinner,) and Spaghetti Western Saturdays (which means we have some type of gluten free “pasta” (zucchini, lentil, chickpea, quinoa, multigrain, egg noodles, etc.) and stay in to watch a movie. I don’t really know of any kid who does not love dinosaurs (or at least like them) — boy or girl. When I was little I was a proud member of the Junior Archaeological Society, and I think my husband may have been as well. We have both shown our “ancient” childhood dinosaur timelines and books to our eight year old little girl. Thankfully, she shares our fascination. We all have been fortunate enough to visit the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Growing up my husband got to go often; I have been with him twice and we have taken our little girl for the first time this past autumn. It was wild to fly from Dallas only to discover an entire bed of perfectly preserved dinosaur prints hailing from Glen Rose, Texas. At just one and a half hour’s drive away, we have vowed to visit as a family. Before Christmas I was thumbing through catalogs when I came across these “Tacosaurus” dinosaurs. I thought they might be a fun addition to Taco Tuesdays. It turns out they are not only fun; they’re functional as well. I happen to love Trader Joe’s “crispy” tacos. They take just four minutes to warm in the oven and are gluten free. The dinousaurs provide the perfect “stand” in which to fill them. Each tacosaurus holds two. I have done ground beef, chicken fajitas (also curtesy of Trader Joe’s) mixed with with Amy’s organic gluten free refried beans and green chilies, salsa, lettuce, guacamole, sour cream, and cheese that I can think of. I try to make each Tuesday different. I want to do one next with whole black beans, guacamole, lettuce, onions, and salsa. (I am a vegetarian trying to go vegan.) I also intend to use soft corn tortillas and do “street tacos.” It has been fun to watch how receptive my husband and little one have been to the “tacosauruses.” I have started getting more creative by making certain greens their “plants” and even making the beans er, placed behind them. I happen to be a huge fan of Meghan Markle. She is quoted as having said, ”I like it when a man puts thought into the kind of restaurant we’re going to. That doesn’t mean it needs to be fancy – some of the best meals of my life have been having a taco on a street corner.” I strive less for fancy and more for the thought put into it when I cook for my precious little family. At least I know my husband and our little girl look forward to filling their Tacosauruses on Taco Tuesdays.