I remember when I was growing up I had so many milestones … the first time I was tall enough to ride the cool rides at the State Fair, when I got my ears pierced, when I could ride a big bike. They sort of went from size related to being age related … the first time I could drive; the first time I could vote; the first time I could have a margarita without my parents at dinner. This is picture of a milestone for my little one. A little over a year behind the other kids in terms of bone growth, she finally qualified to ride in the back of the car without a booster seat! She requested Starbucks, because everyone knows big people drink coffee. So we toasted with two Mocha Frappuccinos; one “leaded” (with coffee) and one unleaded (chocolate milk.) As we grow older I think sometimes we lose sight of those first “big deals” we experienced. Milestones can be measured in so many ways … sometimes it’s by default, (the physical things) and sometimes it is measured by accomplishment. I never had an age I wanted to marry; I just knew I always wanted a family of my own. On the other hand, I wanted to have my college degree by a certain time. Milestones and time often go together. For instance generally babies learn to sit, crawl, talk, and stand by a certain time: those are the physical to which I refer. Then there are the goals we set for ourselves which often a time constraint is placed upon. It took me seven years to graduate from SMU but I did it on my own. Some things we can control and some we cannot. It took me two decades to find the man for whom I had been praying to marry. Life seems to me like a spool of yarn. When we begin we are young and the possibilities ahead of us are endless. I can remember when summertime lasted forever. Now I view it as a few precious months that fly by. A couple of days ago I passed a big milestone. To me any milestone is a blessing, and they are markers whether we like it or not. My father taught me to always set goals. Once they were achieved, he taught me to have more to which to aspire. “Goals” are viewed differently: for some it is measured in money, for others it is measured in the completion of a project. There are goals to lose weight, goals to pray more, goals to travel, and goals to be more organized. Milestones are often measured in meeting those “goals,” wittingly or no. As I reflect upon the major milestone I have just reached, I find myself turning less toward what I want and more toward what I can do for others. And here I go aging myself, but one of my all-time favorite groups is ABBA. Agnetha Fältskog, one of the singers in the famous Swedish pop supergroup, is quoted as having said, “My path has not been determined. I shall have more experiences and pass many more milestones.” My life begun in many ways later than others. My daddy used to say that time and tide wait for no man. He also used to say that time was the one thing that could not be replaced. More than any physical gift, I cherish the precious time I had with my beloved parents. Now I cherish the precious time I have with my beloved husband and daughter. Wherever you are; whomever you are: I pray that you be thankful for all of your life’s milestones.

This one touched me Laura. Thank you for your soulful writing.
Kelly thank you so much; I’m so glad.