Looking back I marvel that my mother’s hair remained naturally red into her ’80’s. I cannot imagine the terror I unwittingly put her through all before I was four, about the age I was in this picture, and the age my little girl is now. When I was around two and a half apparently I drank an entire bottle of Avon Skin So Soft and had to have my stomach pumped in the ER. I actually remember the charcoal and that is was HORRIBLE. I recall the feel of the cold metal table and can still see the avocado green dividing curtains in my mind’s eye. Unbeknownst to my poor folks I also drank something at the vet’s office once. It was the ’70’s and, not only were there no childproof caps, stores left bottles of all kinds of stuff right within the reach of little kids. Fortunately nothing happened to me. When I was three I konked my noggin on the corner of my father’s mahogany desk and it burst an artery in my head. I remember blood spurting out in all directions and it getting all over the walls. And then there was my finger. I was playing with my friend and he accidentally slammed my left middle one in his front door. By the time I got it out the top part was literally hanging by a piece of skin. Blood was EVERYWHERE. I kept asking my mother if I was going to die as the huge pool of blood continued to spread centrifugally around me. There were no cell phones then and Daddy was out working. We only had one car and Mama had to track him down and tell him to come home right away. They say I still have my finger because I was so young. I have no scars and I am lucky it grew normally. I did have to wear a cast with a metal splint on top of it for almost a year and I remember crying because we were supposed to go to Six Flags the next day. The crazy thing is I rode roller coasters and every other ride all with a finger that had been completely severed for over four hours not even one day earlier! That was the ’70’s for you. Now they have a jillion warnings about heart conditions and medical issues practically before one can even enter the park. My sweet girl is facing two procedures tomorrow and I would give anything to take her place. I pray with all my heart nothing is wrong or, if there is, that it can be fixed. And then I think of all the parents with children who are in hospitals or who have had far worse scares and I am ashamed I have not remembered them in prayer. I have always thanked God for our own good health but I have failed to pray for the good health of others. That is something I will never neglect again. Mahatma Gandhi said, “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” So for anyone who is reading this, thank God for your eyesight. Be thankful for the ability to eat, to get around, and to hear. And while you’re counting your blessings please pray for others to have the same. Achukma hoke.

Amen Laura. God is good, and I know from many years in the job that I love as a Lieutenant paramedic in the fire dept, that we complain about the most petty of things. When in reality, we can’t take that new car or big house with us, when we leave this earth. I too have neglected others in my prayers that have way bigger issues in their lives than I could ever fathom. I pray that Gods will be done, and that whatever procedure is being done on your little one that God directs the Doctor’s hands and knowledge to find and cure whatever is wrong. I pray for peace for you and the family as well Laura while y’all go through this time of hardship. Amen.
Thank you so much Jeff. She made it through just fine; thanks be to God. I am so proud you made Lieutenant paramedic! Who knew the little boy who asked my mother if I needed a Band-Aid for my severed finger would choose emergency rescue. 🙂