This is just a fun print that hangs in our laundry room. I also have a sign above the door that reads, “Drop your pants here.” But I sort of think of “wash day” differently. We had an elderly, gentleman friend from church who only bathed on Saturday nights for Sunday. He was always very neat, tidy and never smelled. I did not not bathe my baby obsessively and frankly I credit that as to the reason she never got cradle cap. I do not wash my hair everyday as I believe it strips the natural oils from one’s hair and body. I really do think people now have an obsessive need to shower at least twice a day. My husband often complains of dry skin and scalp and I tell him my reasoning but he doesn’t listen. Of course if one has sweated excessively or smells one should most definitely bathe. Personally I feel that more than once a day is not only excessive but environmentally irresponsible. The American President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, “Every man has a right to a Saturday night bath.” I am not suggesting that we all follow suit with only a once weekly bath; I am simply saying once a day for most is probably enough. At any rate, my little one’s curls are in knots and she smells like a rusty penny from playing in the park. So tonight, at our house, it is definitely wash day.

i think im down to twice a week to be honest, 3x if i have something special going on. Since I started using home made shampoo, i feel less icky for longer periods of time.
Thank you Jessica for being brave enough to comment. I think the chemicals are a big part of it and you’re ahead of the curve by making your own naturally.