It sounds like an episode of “Scooby Doo”. I was recently in a yogurt shop getting sorbet (vegan) when I noticed my beloved Cap’n Crunch was one of the toppings! It brought me back to Saturday mornings waiting to watch “School House Rock” (the BEST) in between my all-time favorite cartoon “Scooby Doo”. I always ate the cereal dry and it was just about the only junk food that was sort of condoned. I think my folks were just glad I was leaving them alone so they could get some much needed extra rest. I would park myself with a bowl in front of our big console TV on our brown carpet and let the next hour or so fly happily by. Cracker Jack had prizes in them but nothing could top the day I got my glow-in-the-dark Spooky Pirate! I remember digging my little hand in all the way up to my shoulder to get to the bottom of the box in order to fish him out. To this day I still have him and he still glows! I cherish him and now my daughter loves him as well. Before all the healthy stuff that only old people were stuck eating when I was a kid we were free to enjoy sugar without guilt. And it gave me the energy to rollerskate to disco in my Jordache jeans at the roller rink all afternoon. British playwright Tom Stoppard said, “If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.” Spooky Pirate has been with me for about 38 years now. And when I see him I still feel like I’m seven.