Former Defenders of Wildlife Senior Northwest Representative Suzanne Asha Stone rewrote what is, in my opinion, the greatest rendition of “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” since its inception. It has become a revered part of my Christmas tradition, and I hope perhaps it may become a part of yours as well. I am grateful for her generosity in allowing me to repost her work. This is the first year I have changed the imagery on my blog. Pictured here is my very favorite Christmas ornament in the world. For anyone who knows anything about me they will understand why. Also in recent years I have taken the liberty of changing a few things that have became dated politically. However — please know this: the one constant is that our wolves world-wide are still in great peril. Witness how Yellowstone National Park in the United States has irrefutably been COMPLETELY transformed for the better after their reintroduction. Whatever your religion; whatever your race; wherever your nationality: I implore you to care about our wolves as well as all of our planet’s wildlife. In my opinion they are God’s gifts for us to look after, care for, and protect: they are a vital, and incalculable part of our world’s heritage. “Happy Howlidays!” however you celebrate … Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, undecided, or whatever. However you may feel, I believe Our Creator made us all.
The Wolves’ Night Before Christmas
‘Twas the eve before Christmas
And to Santa’s dismay
Came such an icy storm
The reindeer couldn’t budge his sleigh.
As Santa paced and worried
And elves began to scowl
‘Rose a song through the wind:
A wolf pack’s mighty howl.
From the thick of the storm
O’er deep snow on big padded feet
Came eight silvery wolves
Ice and wind could not beat.
Santa’s mouth hung open for a blink
As the wolves lined up in front of his sleigh
Then he sputtered to the elves
“Well… let’s be on our way!”
Santa thanked each wolf
As the elves finished loading the last gift
Then he sprinkled them with fairy dust
Chuckling, “That’ll give you the lift.”
“They won’t believe this …”
He laughed, a merry twinkle in his eyes
Then the elves harnessed the wolves
And they took to the skies.
On Lightfoot! On Blacktail! On Windswift! On Howler!
On GreenEyes! On MoonSong! On Hunter! On Prowler!
The wolves’ eyes glowed as they leapt through the storm
Santa wished his own coat could keep him as warm.
That night the wolves even taught Santa to howl
An ancient song filled with hope for Peace and Joy
That this season may bring for all Life on Earth
As they left special gifts for each girl and boy.
‘Twas that eve before Christmas
Santa will always fondly remember
When wolves rescued his mission
That stormy December.