Visiting the veterinarian’s office is always an adventure. Fortunately our wolfies love going so they’re just over-excited and not overly stressed. We have only ever fed our wolves bison, but lately our girl, Cheyenne, has not eaten and she has gotten so thin I could see her spine. They ran all kinds of tests and of course I feared the worst — cancer. But they are in the prime of their lives and, unlike in the wild, I knew they would not be shot simply for being a wolf. Our vet did bloodwork, ran a urinalysis, and checked all her vitals. They have only ever eaten buffalo (no grains!) but I suspect they got a bad batch. Even her brother Dakota stopped eating. So we switched to a million dollar prescription food which we hope will solve Cheyenne’s appetite and her brother Dakota’s sudden allergy issues. I do not find it ironic in the least that they cannot have gluten just like their big sister, our daughter. “Frankenfood” seems to have taken over and I know first hand it affects humans and animals alike. Our wolfies naturally slim down in the summer, because I believe that is nature”s way. But to fear for your beloved furry family members is not easy. The American actor Michael J. Fox said, “Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.”