Pecos And Brazos


I have had a turtle as part of my family ever since I can remember.  They were always red eared sliders who were rescued.  We had a pond built for our last red eared slider and then she passed away.  She got to be the size of a large dinner plate and we could not buy a tank big enough to hold her.  I do not recommend them as pets for that very reason; they just keep growing and growing.  So when Sipokni died we decided to get two little Texas map turtles as part of our menagerie.  They are the smallest breed of aquatic turtle and males do not get any bigger than the palm of your hand.  I named them Pecos and Brazos.  They were rescues as well, as they were slated to be on the menu as turtle soup in Asia.  *shudder*  Their 55 gallon tank is roomy and they love to come out and bask like you see in the picture I took here.  I think this is Brazos; he’s slightly bigger than Pecos, just like the rivers.  I like to hear the filter running because it has the tranquility of an indoor waterfall.  One of our cats is always on top of the tank I suspect because she likes the heat lamp.  In Native culture, turtles are the symbol for long life and we all like having them.  They do not bite and are low maintenance.  When I look at them I am reminded of the American writer Bill Copeland’s words:  “Try to be like the turtle — at ease in your own shell.”  I think that is the very best place to be.


Follow Me


They didn’t have children’s bulletins at church when I was a kid.  One had to be content with drawing on the back of offering envelopes and using them to ask when it was time to go to the cafeteria.  Once in the fourth grade I got caught with my shoes off and I was an acolyte.  Our church used to be on TV and I remember the camera man turning to film me.  Fortunately I was paying attention so I didn’t get in trouble with my folks.  For some time now our church has provided the “Children’s Worship Bulletin” and I think they are really wonderful.  Each week is different and there is a scripture that correlates with the sermon.  This one was entitled “Jesus Appears by the Sea” and was so fun; the front had a maze of ocean waves you had to follow to reach Jesus.  Inside one had to circle the correct number of times Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” by finding the question marks.  The next page was a coded message (I LIVED for codes when I was a kid!) and the back you see pictured here.  In addition the whole thing is a four page coloring book.  And our church even provides the crayons.  I have seen my four year old trace her name from school but never any thing else.  Matthew 21:16 (from the American King James Version) says:

And said to him, Hear you what these say?  And Jesus said to them, Yes; have you never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings you have perfected praise?

I looked down to discover the first words my child would ever trace.  I was stunned as they lept out at me from the page.  They were the words of Christ:  simply, “‘Follow me.'”  Out of the mouths of babes …




My four year old snapped this picture as I was out back showing her our wisteria.  I believe it was the first thing I ever planted on my own when we got our house and I was so proud because it just took off.  It seemed to thrive and wound its way up and over our fence.  I have always associated it with the South but have never known anything about it so I set out to do a little research.  First, I had no earthly idea it is a member of the pea family.  That includes ten species native to China, Japan, Korea, and the Eastern United States.  Marco Polo brought seeds out of China in the 13th century.  Wisteria climbs by twining its stems around any available support.  Its reach is as high as 65 feet and can spread as much as 32 feet laterally.  And they have been known to live for 250 years.  Like my beloved honeysuckle, I had no idea they could be invasive; here I was thinking I had a green thumb.  Japanese poet Yosa Buson said, “In pale moonlight / the wisteria’s scent / comes from far away.”  The world’s largest known wisteria vine is in Sierra Madre, California, weighing 250 tons and measuring more than an acre!  I’ve never wanted to see the world’s largest ball of yarn or Cadillacs sticking up out of the ground,  but I sure would love to see that!


The One And Only Tony Bennett


When I was in the fourth grade I made the Dallas Girls’ Chorus and our spring concert was in Caruth Auditorium at SMU.  Walking around the big center fountain that night I knew it was where I wanted to attend college someday.  And I did; SMU is my Alma mater.  I thought about majoring in music but my degree is in journalism with a minor in Native American Indian history and I was one class shy of a double minor in French.  It would be over two decades later after circling that fountain in front of Dallas Hall until I would meet the man I would marry.  Despite having known him almost ten years now we had never attended a concert together.  We’d been to operas (which he mostly struggled to stay awake through) and musicals (which I think he liked better) and, while this was not a concert in the rock band sense, I still hoped he might enjoy it.  Tonight the one and only Tony Bennett performed in the same auditorium I fell in love with as a little girl.  Walking hand in hand under trees grown more beautiful with the passing of time I thought about how fitting it was that we should be there.  I felt the same love for the architecture of the campus and spring hung heavy in the night air just as it did so long ago.  At almost 90 Tony Bennett has a powerhouse voice which has only strengthened with age and has been honed like a smooth whiskey that slides down your body, giving warmth and goosebumps all at once.  He was accompanied by a four piece band:  a grand piano, guitar, double bass and drums.  At one point he sang a cappella and with no mic.  That is when his perfect pitch, commanding projection, and raw talent really shined.  He has been quoted as saying, “I’ve been so fortunate because I never really had ups and downs as far as my career.  Ninety-nine percent of the time, I’ve been sold out all over the world.”  I am so thrilled he came to Dallas.  He looked more dapper than ever with his hand casually in his pocket while he held his mic next to his crisp handkerchief and crooned “Smile”, which I did not know was a Charlie Chaplin song.  My favorites were still “Fly Me to the Moon” and his iconic “I Left My Heart in San Francisco”.  He performed one hit after another effortlessly and without pause, not sitting or even sipping water for over an hour.  The stage was bathed in my favorite color dark blue and I took this picture from my seat after it was over.  Tony Bennett left it all, as he blew a kiss to the audience and then turned and simply walked away.  I went from “Rags to Riches” and once again I left my heart where I had done so all those years ago.  Only this time I was no longer a little girl, but a grown woman who got to experience the joy of introducing one love of my life to another.


Smell The Roses


American PGA golfer Walter Hagen said, “Don’t hurry.  Don’t worry.  You’re only here for a short visit.  So don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.”  What a famous phrase bandied about our vernacular and I’ve never known who said it.  But I think it is so true!  We are all so hurried in our lives and “busy” we do not slow down to enjoy life’s true pleasures God has given us.  I took this picture from our yard because it tickled me that of course St. Francis of Assisi — even in stone — would find a way to stop and smell the roses.  How very fitting for a man who once preached a sermon to the birds and who is rightfully regarded as the patron saint of the environment and animals.  I have written several times about smell.  I believe it is the sense that is taken for granted most out of the five commonly accepted senses humans have.  We actively stop on our daily walks and literally smell whatever has perfume … whether it is a magnolia tree, a rose bush, wisteria, or wild honeysuckle.  I notice the wolfies never fail to stop and smell.  I think we could learn so much more from our four-legged brethren.  That is something I believe St. Francis of Assisi tried to do and Native Americans have done since the beginning of time.  I believe in Spirit Animals and I do not believe it in any way contradicts Christ’s teachings.  It is simply a way to admire and adapt to traits in which one gravitates to in animals.  I was always slightly freaked out that my husband was drawn to ravens.  It’s so deep I believe that deserves a post all on its own.  But suffice to say the raven and the wolf (my spirit animal) go together.  My mother lived a long life and always loved turtles; for my daddy it was the mighty buffalo.  So as you go about your day do not neglect the beauty the Creator has placed before you.  I am reminded of one of my favorite hymns growing up:

For the Beauty of the Earth

For the beauty of the earth,
for the glory of the skies,
for the love which from our birth
over and around us lies;
Lord of all, to thee we raise
this our hymn of grateful praise.

For the beauty of each hour
of the day and of the night,
hill and vale, and tree and flower,
sun and moon, and stars of light;
Lord of all, to thee we raise
this our hymn of grateful praise.

For the joy of ear and eye,
for the heart and mind’s delight,
for the mystic harmony,
linking sense to sound and sight;
Lord of all, to thee we raise
this our hymn of grateful praise.

For the joy of human love,
brother, sister, parent, child,
friends on earth and friends above,
for all gentle thoughts and mild;
Lord of all, to thee we raise
this our hymn of grateful praise.

For thy church, that evermore
lifteth holy hands above,
offering up on every shore
her pure sacrifice of love;
Lord of all, to thee we raise
this our hymn of grateful praise.

For thyself, best Gift Divine,
to the world so freely given,
for that great, great love of thine,
peace on earth, and joy in heaven:
Lord of all, to thee we raise
this our hymn of grateful praise.

Achukma hoke.


Prevalent Pink Paint


When my mother first found out we were having a little girl she admonished me not “to dress that baby all in blue!” and she knew it would be a battle for me not to do so.  I adore dark blue.  It’s on everything from our duvet to our formal china.  My Christmas colors are dark blue and silver.  My entire closet is pretty much only dark blue.  I always wear the little dark blue sapphire cross I got when I worked at Lord & Taylor back in college.  For my little one though, it’s all about pink.  And I do not believe it is a passing fancy simply because she is a girl and she’s little.  She loves it in the same way I cannot get enough of blue.  I will never forget when she first started taking karate at three and, after earning her first two belts, she worked up all her courage to approach her master instructor.  She shyly peeped up at this big, intimidating man dressed all in black to ask if they had a pink belt in karate.  You could see him struggle not to smile as he gently told her there was not.  Recently I told her about local business great Mary Kay and how she would give away pink cars to her top salespeople.  It was in answer to her query about why there were no pink cars on the road.  She gravitates to pink like I do to blue.  I also notice we both favor the darker color as opposed to a pastel.  So when I bought her paints the other day of COURSE I bought an extra bottle of (washable — thank goodness) pink.  She was so thrilled!  “IT’S PINK!  IT’S PINK MAMA!” she kept saying as she was jumping up and down and sweetly saying thank you.  She has begun pointing out blue things for me just as I am always on the lookout for pink for her.  I grinned when I snapped this pic after I told her to please go wash her hands before supper.  Note the pink shirt (the pink hands I should think are obvious) with my blue shower curtain behind her.  The famous actress and humanitarian Audrey Hepburn said:

“I believe in pink.  I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner.  I believe in kissing, kissing a lot.  I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong.  I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.  I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”

I have always loved “La Vie En Rose”.  I believe my little one has, even at her tender years, already learned to embrace this.  So maybe a little pink rubbing off on me would not be a bad thing.  I think I shall add more into my own wardrobe.  Maris has already brought my whole life into pink.


Trying To Lay Off The Bottle


HOW I have managed to live this long, and in Texas, and not know about this “hot sauce” is beyond me.  I guess I’ve habitually gone for Tabasco but I must confess this is infinitely better!  My little one loved it so much she LICKED HER PLATE and it coated the bottom of her ringlets.  We don’t really get why they call it hot; we simply find it savory.  I used an entire bottle on my spinach omelette and the waitress slipped me a new one, pictured here, to take home!  I seriously cannot get enough of it!  I have put it on practically everything and am considering carrying a purse to restaurants just so I will have some with me.  Apparently they’ve got five different kinds … and I am on a quest to find and try them all.  Our little one kept saying, “It’s not hot Mama; it’s good!” as I nodded in agreement through flavorful mouthfuls.  Personally I’m with American actress Cheryl Hines who said, “I love hot sauce.  It can’t be hot enough for me.”  However my husband does not have the cast iron constitution my daughter and I do so I hope he might enjoy this as well and try it.  I’m going to put it in guacamole the next time I make it.  Interestingly I discovered it is named after the Cholula Puebla which claims to be the oldest still-inhabited city of Mexico.  It was produced for three generations in Chapala, Mexico and was introduced to Texas in 1989.  So now I know how long I’ve been missing out!


Puppy Lost And Found


Every time I see a lost animal I am reminded of the Parable of the Good Samaritan.  I think of the first two who are too busy to stop and help.  I do not want to be that person.  Animals are family and I always try to catch runaways when I am able so they do not get hit by a car, wind up in the pound, or suffer some other tragic fate.  On this day I was driving home when this adorable little dog caught my eye.  I immediately stopped the car and she stopped running.  She had that wild look in her eyes that dogs get when they’re scared and lost.  I realize animal lovers tend to anthropomorphize pets especially but I believe she knew she could trust me.  She let me slowly approach her and gently pick her up.  By the time I’d put her in the back seat of my car next to my sleeping four year old she sort of passed out herself.  I brought her in the house (lifting her up from the sniffing wolfies so she wouldn’t freak out) and put her in our downstairs bathroom with a bowl of water which she proceeded to quaff.  Upon further inspection I noticed she had no collar and some hot spots which was disheartening.  I posted her pic on Facebook and other lost dog sites praying someone would message me.  I don’t know why I didn’t think to see if she was chipped.  A friend inquired if I’d checked and with a small ray of hope I asked my husband if he would take her to our vet to get scanned.  It turns out she had been missing for a month and had gone almost five miles.  I requested that her owner please contact me so I could try to help fill in some blanks.  She got to stay at our vet’s until her dad got off work.  Ironically, he had a job right across the street from their office!  Later that evening I got a call and, upon saying hello, this older gentlemen introduced himself as my “new best friend” — and then proceeded to cry.  He said her name is Puppy and kept thanking me profusely.  It was humbling.  The two of them are inseparable and she goes to work with him every day.  Each of them only has the other.  He thought I wanted him to call because he was offering a reward.  I told him I just got the greatest reward I could ever receive; they were reunited.  American actor Robert Wagner once said, “A dog will teach you unconditional love.  If you can have that in your life, things won’t be too bad.”  Some days are great ones; this was one of them:  Puppy lost and found.


Cherries Jubilee


It was our last day in New Orleans.  We had seen Rodrigue’s Blue Dog paintings, taken a walking tour led by a Choctaw guide, visited Louisiana’s oldest museum (The Confederate Memorial Hall), and had done some souvenir shopping.  This would be followed by the best dinner I would have in my entire life:  Antoine’s.  American author William S. Burroughs said, “You can’t fake quality any more than you can fake a good meal.”  Everything about it was perfection.  By this time I had been lucky enough to dine in Paris, Venice, New York, Quebec, Spain, and other places, plus all of Dallas’ finest restaurants over the years.  Antoine’s graciously surpassed them all with a superlative mix of French/Southern cuisine, charm, hospitality, and eloquence.  It was like stepping back in time and I was so glad we’d chosen to have our anniversary dinner here.  Next to “Little House on the Prairie”, my all-time favorite TV show is “Frasier”.  In one episode the Crane brothers decided to buy their favorite restaurant which was closing.  They renamed it Le Frères Heureux (The Happy Brothers) and of course they meddled so much on opening night it was a disaster.  All through the evening they each kept furtively adding a “‘soupçon'” of brandy to the Cherries Jubilee.  In the end one hears a loud “whump” followed by a flash of light coming from the dining room.  The kitchen doors blow inward and a billow of smoke wafts in followed by the poor woman who lit the dessert.  Her face was covered in soot, her hair standing on end, and her dress stained red.  With a stunned look of wide-eyed shock she delivered one of the funniest lines ever:  “Big blue flash … cherries everywhere …”  I could not help grinning so widely my molars were probably seen as I recalled this during our heavenly finish to the perfect dinner.  Voila, pictured here is our Cherries Jubilee.  Antoine’s started in 1840 and the staff, upon discovering it was our anniversary, graciously gave us a copy of their famous cookbook signed by the family.  It contains a collection of original recipes from classic drinks like the Mint Julep to incredible sauces, Béchamel and Bourguignonne being two of my favorites, as well as desserts — like Cerises Jubilee.


Mr. Okra


One of the greatest joys of travel for me is the people.  As we were out walking the next day we heard, “I’ve got okra; I’ve got peaches” being sung over a loudspeaker in a colorful truck.  I thought it was the coolest thing ever!  I loved everything about it:  fresh fruits and vegetables delivered right to you, his catchy tune with his deep base voice, and the produce pickup painted so groovy.  Burk loved it too and it became sort of our theme song for the rest of our time in New Orleans.  One of us would start under our breath and the other would do the next line.  We would keep adding food until we ran out of things to think up and then grin at each other before starting over again.  We sang it on the little streetcar we took down through the Garden District.  From the heat and cement of Bourbon Street in the French Quarter to the shaded tree-lined Canal Street with rows of old Southern mansions, we sang Mr. Okra’s jingle from one end of town to the other.  Then we stopped and got out so I could take pictures of the prettiest fence I have ever seen.  The whole thing was verdigris wrought iron made to look like endless stalks of corn rising up out the the ground.  It was made all the more enchanting by the fragrant wisteria that wound itself in and out of the metal rows.  I found myself wishing we could have bought from Mr. Okra as the day wore on.  Again another resolution to begin carrying a little cash.  Actor Damian Lewis said, “People need revelation, and then they need resolution.”  New Orleans had given me both.
